By wellthisisbad - 29/02/2016 12:27 - United States - Boynton Beach

Today, I learned that not only am I pregnant, I'm too far along for an abortion. My husband and I originally bonded over the fact that we both hate children. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 694
You deserved it 29 477

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CaptainHonor 15

Adoption. Then get yourselves fixed so you don't have another accident.


I am so sorry. This is just one of my absolute worst nightmares. I don't have sex, so I don't really have to worry about it, but this still sounds like it just has to feel the worst. And with all the people saying you're terrible for not wanting kids, or you'll change your mind, they don't know what they're talking about. Not everyone wants that kind of horrific nightmare. Sounds like adoption is the only legal option. I hope you're okay. This has to just be miserable to deal with.

corky1992 33

Maybe you should have been more careful then. I really hope for that child's sake that you put it up for adoption bc it deserves to be with someone better than you and your husband.

Reihna_fml 14

I would recommend considering adoption and a tubal ligation, for sure. No matter what has prevented either of you from seeking permanent sterilization, I strongly recommend it for both of you.

rockyreed 1

If u both hate kids and don't want them u should have gotten fixed enjoy parenthood

wordygirl 11

I've had my tubes tied and it's not a big deal AT ALL! After the anesthesia wore off, I got up and walked right out. No pain involved! Find a dr. that will perform one. You won't regret it!

Please tell me where and will they perform it on a 21 year old? I've wanted my tubes tied since before I started my periods

You sound like a terrible person and if you do end up keeping the kid, which I don't understand why you would anyways, I feel really bad for the child to have such cruel people as parents... I understand being annoyed by kids, but hating them like that, really?

Are you serious? **** you. How about I give you a jar of spiders? What?! You don't like spiders?! But I LOVE spiders! They are small and help the environment, they are little angels with their fuzzy legs! What a terrible person you are for not wanting them! See how stupid that is? Kids aren't all angels. For every good child there is the next school shooter or physical abuser. Nobody has to like kids. I don't understand why you care about OP's views anyway, it's OP's choice. If you like kids so much then adopt every single one out there that doesn't have a family and stop complaining. Sheesh.

I don't like pineapple. Am I terrible? No. I don't like dubstep. Am I terrible? No. I don't like children. Am I terrible? No.

Why is it so wrong to not want children? My husband and I don't want kids nor do we like them, but that doesn't make us terrible people. I've never been cruel to a child and can even have fun with them when we babysit or friends or family. In fact, my husband is wonderful kids and would honestly make a wonderful father. However, the thought of having kids of our own makes us both cringe. No one deserves to be called cruel just for not wanting to have kids. There are already too many people in this world. My cousin is from a family of five kids and her husband is from a family of fourteen kids. She is pregnant with her fourth kid. That is a LOT of new people being made from a very small source. My dad was one of ten kids. That's 29 kids from only three pairs of parents. That number more than makes up for a fair number of us who don't want kids. I can't tell you how many times I've heard the "Oh, you'll change your mind when you're older" or "But it's different when it's your own". I have known I don't want kids from the time I was a preteen. Younger than that even. I'm in my mid-20s and am still as anti-kid as ever. My husband originally wanted kids, but when I asked him why, he said, "I don't know. I've never thought about it". Then he did think about it and he realized that the only reason he wanted kids was because it's "just what you do when you grow up". "It's what people expect". When I opened his eyes to the fact that he had a real choice, he realized that he didn't actually want any and has taken the initiative to find a doctor who will perform a vasectomy. The reality is that he never wanted kids either. He had just accepted that it's just what you do. What kind of environment is that for a kid to grow up in? Why should a kid have to grow up with parents who don't want it? Now, there are several kids who belong to friends and family who would legally come to us if something happened to their parents. For some reason, I feel differently about that. My younger brothers, some young 2nd cousins, and the kids of a very close friend would all come to us if something happened to them and I love the little boogers to death and would do my very best to provide a stable home environment for them should the worst happen to their parents, but the idea of giving birth to and raising my own? Yuck.

I think you're the terrible one for being so judgemental.

There is adoption. And open adoption. My husband and I are waiting to adopt. Let me know if you want our info

Should have gotten yourselves fixed haha. Go for adoption. If you keep the kid, never ever let it find out you hate kids and didn't want it

Now you and your husband can still bond over hating kids... Except yours.