By Pox - 04/02/2011 03:19 - United States

Today, I got chickenpox. I'm 28 and having chickenpox as an adult is excruciatingly painful. When I told my boss I wasn't going to be at work today because of chickenpox he replied, "That's the worst excuse I've ever heard. Adults don't get chickenpox." He then fired me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 503
You deserved it 2 991

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you should have taken a picture and sent it to him or something.


Sue his ass!! I know first-hand that adults can get chickenpox and I got it when I was 26. Bloody itchy, wasn't that painful apart from when trying to sleep and that's because you are lying on the sores themselves. And it is rare but you can actually get chicken pox even if you had it as a child. But usually adults get shingles.. Which again is not fun and a valid reason to not go to work.

Wow, your boss is as dumb as a box of rocks. I got chicken pox at the age of 26, when I was in nursing school. I knew I had been exposed (stupid woman let her chicken pox infested daughter be a flower girl at a wedding, sickening over 20 people) so I had antiviral medication on standby, so it wasn't as bad as it could have been. Two adults at that wedding who had chicken pox as a child also caught it again - one had to be hospitalized!

Shingles are what occurs after you get chickenpox and their much worse. your boss is an idiot. you should go into work and just start touching him... Give him jingles, those hurt like a bitch

go show him idiot and u can sue for that shit

get a hold of your labour board, I'm pretty sure that is illegal

Yep, **** your life indeed. I had chicken pox last year and I'm 23 and I caught it off my mother who got it at 50! It also happened during final exam period so I had to get a doctor's note. You could take legal action over this because people with chicken pox are supposed to stay home for at least 2 weeks simply because of how highly contagious they are to others (it's dangerous for people with chicken pox to be around pregnant women, for example). Getting fired because your boss is a total idiot is definitely not fair.

you can sue him for wrongful termination