By Pox - 04/02/2011 03:19 - United States

Today, I got chickenpox. I'm 28 and having chickenpox as an adult is excruciatingly painful. When I told my boss I wasn't going to be at work today because of chickenpox he replied, "That's the worst excuse I've ever heard. Adults don't get chickenpox." He then fired me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 504
You deserved it 2 991

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you should have taken a picture and sent it to him or something.


You should sue him. But still, he might have believed you if you said you had "shingles" not "chicken pox". I think your boss might be a retard.

I've had shingles and I can back up the fact that it IS excruciatingly painful. However, at least now you have the opportunity to find another job, and hopefully not work for such an ignorant *******.

polishpunisher 0
acw81 1

you should go give him a hug :)

shhhitsasecret 0

show up to work and infect him

ben2169 0

unless you happen to live in nevada sue the shit out of them

Such a stupid FML, you should be happy your retard boss fired you, so you can use it against him. If you're not planning on doing anything about it then YDI

get a copy of your hospital visit sheet and take him to court for wrongful termination! !!!

that's totally illegal he can't fire u for being sick u shud totally sue I mean damn that's like the American dream e z money baby