By victimboi - 05/06/2009 19:07 - United Kingdom

Today, I got a taxi home from work. Only having notes in my wallet, I told the taxi driver that I'd run inside my house and come back out with the change for the journey. He agreed, but only if I left my bag as collateral. It seemed fair. An hour later, I realized my wallet was missing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 352
You deserved it 48 313

Same thing different taste

Top comments

irishlassie731 0

You deserve it for leaving your personal belongings in a freakin taxi, especially your wallet. Moron.


moomoo88 0

#23 and #26: you guys are incredibly ignorant. #21: notes as in paper. money. way to fail. OP: big mistake, but I feel bad. FYL.

i can't judge you while there are peple commenting stupid enough to think you carry around letters in your wallet - she means BANK notes, idiots. PAPER MONEY.

you're a dumbass. next time just give them the tip. Geez...

vcjesusfreak 0

Wow. I laugh at all the people saying at least you only lost notes. Notes is a word for money.

Ugh, you should of planned this out first.

What a dick. Karma will get him. But now u know- don't leave your wallet!

brrrx 0

@Everyone: Stop being so ignorant, not every country has a $1 bill. Don't assume the OP would be losing a few cents. Canada's start at 5. Also, who said the OP had the RIGHT bills? What if they only had 20's? Still...leaving your bag to save yourself a few bucks with a cabbie is still pretty dumb. Cmon.

ieatsheeet 0

cabbie can't give change? he stole ur wallet? hope u remembered his cab number.