By victimboi - 05/06/2009 19:07 - United Kingdom

Today, I got a taxi home from work. Only having notes in my wallet, I told the taxi driver that I'd run inside my house and come back out with the change for the journey. He agreed, but only if I left my bag as collateral. It seemed fair. An hour later, I realized my wallet was missing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 352
You deserved it 48 313

Same thing different taste

Top comments

irishlassie731 0

You deserve it for leaving your personal belongings in a freakin taxi, especially your wallet. Moron.


clockworkrainbow 3

That sucks... Screw leaving any collateral. I dont trust strangers with ANY of my stuff. That cabbie has some karma waiting to get to 'em. Also, #60, FAIL.

no really, sue. but you shouldn't have trusted him.

fmlbeast 0

8===============================================================D 8===============================================================D 8===============================================================D 8===============================================================D 8===============================================================D 8===============================================================D 8===============================================================D 8===============================================================D

Polionixon 2

ok.... for 1 before i left my bag or anything i would take all my money cards and phone.... then gladly leave it with him lol **** that shit YDI

I would leave it with him but then after i wouldn't let him drive away before i checked through my bag. And if he did drive off then i would check the number plate and call the cops.

#65: Go die in a hole. OP: That sucks, but why would you leave something so valuable for a complete stranger as collateral? Just leave a shoe or something, or, if the tip wouldn't be too big, just give it to him.