By victimboi - 05/06/2009 19:07 - United Kingdom

Today, I got a taxi home from work. Only having notes in my wallet, I told the taxi driver that I'd run inside my house and come back out with the change for the journey. He agreed, but only if I left my bag as collateral. It seemed fair. An hour later, I realized my wallet was missing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 352
You deserved it 48 313

Same thing different taste

Top comments

irishlassie731 0

You deserve it for leaving your personal belongings in a freakin taxi, especially your wallet. Moron.


#53... haven't you seen Taxi Driver? ;-)

eggwhites 0

They were proubly mexican huh???

Kitty34_fml 0

YDI. Sorry, but don't take a taxi unless you have the money and never leave your purse unattended.

Jarlais 0

95,eggwhites, way to be a duche. Not all bad people are Mexican. Hitler, the zodiac killer, and stallin were all Anglo and they were about as mean as they come.

paks7 0

ok maybe this is a stupid question...but i dont use taxis so i dont know... dont they have change?? couldnt you have given him what you had and gotten change back? also ydi for being stupid enough to not know what you had in your wallet before you ever even took the ride

jnic 0

I don't care that you went through all that just to keep the change for yourself. What I care about is... ... you left your bag with your wallet still inside with a complete stranger. ummmm. That's all I need to say.

OMG people, "notes" would be a reference to "federal reserve notes" as in money?

kellster 2

How stupid can you possibly be?????? First, what's wrong with paying in bills?? THEY CARRY CHANGE, just so you know! Secondly, why would you EVER trust anyone with your entire set of ID, cards, cash, etc.?? Leave your shoes as collateral or something, but for ****'s sake, take your wallet out at the very least!!! You deserve this hard, just for sheer stupidity.