By Cassidy Bowen - 16/06/2012 05:42 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I decided to not wear makeup for the first time. My boyfriend asked me if I got punched in the face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 603
You deserved it 6 556

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's the thing with wearing make up all the time: no one appreciates your true beauty since they're all used to the fake you :( fyl OP

"No sweetheart, but you will be!" *punch*


That's why I despise make up. I'm a chick, but I say the best beauty is natural beauty. FYL OP

Same here. I'm not against wearing a bit of make-up, but if without it people think you're ill or have been punched in the face, you might want to tone it down a little from now on.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

Exactly. I don't wear makeup normally because I don't feel the need to. My boyfriend says I'm more beautiful without makeup than with it :3

GVirdi 11

Actually if OP wears make up all the time, you can't really blame him for not know how OP naturally looks

blcksocks 19

That's quite a punch line to be honest ..

MJK119 2

Rookie mistake, you should've been wearing makeup. Nuff said

calib0i 0

That's an FML on his part. I bet he feels like crap.

GVirdi 11

Don't wear make up, show your awesome natural beauty to the world and if they don't like it, punch em in the face Jk But seriously, be proud of your natural self no matter what people say

Ugh! Some girls look so hot with that /smokey eye/ look. Me? I look like a raccoon.):

GVirdi 11

You're different, that's what makes you you Be happy about it, not everyone looks "hot" but everyone is beautiful

GVirdi 11

55 we both have our own ways of looking at things, you can't call me an idiot for being different than you

kandi_kid69 15

55- Everyone is beautiful. :)

KiddNYC1O 20

Did you guys just recite lyrics from One Direction?

GVirdi 11

Great she punched her boyfriend because he isn't used to seeing her natural look Now what exactly did that solve?

Well now you know he's shallow ;) most guys I know say make up makes us look ugly!

And if a guy doesn't think you're beautiful without make-up then he doesn't really deserve you.

Oh sorry! I misread the FML I thought it said you were wearing makeup for the first time, my bad!

GVirdi 11

47 I forgive you (if that counts at all) but I don't know if the other FMLers will