By btswc - 21/05/2011 07:18 - United States

Today, I asked my husband, of only a year, why we don't have sex anymore. He said it's because he masturbates. When I asked how often he did it, he replied "Every day that we don't have sex..." FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 115
You deserved it 9 700

Same thing different taste

Top comments

denvan 0

He must have one strong hand shake

WallyTheWombat 0

So I'm not too sure how this is played out. If he masturbates every day that they don't have sex... is it that they don't have sex cause he masturbated? or that he masturbated because op won't have sex with him? If 1: 1) Try to get to him first. if 2: 2) Quit complaining and sleep with your husband!


Fr3nChii 0

wow only a year into your marriage and he doesn't want to have sex because he likes to toot his own horn..seriously? that's going to be a problem in the future if y'all dont fix it now

Maybe you two just got out of sync, find out when he does the deed and beat him to it.

It's pretty important. The intimacy that is.

Pufferfish78 5

You can't always expect the man to initiate sex maybe you should take the initiative sometimes too!

well its time to pull out the VibeOmatic 3000 that your mom gave you.

find out why he prefers his hand to you lol

AMAZINashleigh 6