
By Anonymous - 16/03/2011 12:53 - United States

Today, I had a violent coughing fit while at the store, which caused a lady to think I was choking, grab me from behind and start doing the Heimlich maneuver incorrectly. She broke two of my ribs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 187
You deserved it 3 947

Same thing different taste

Top comments

True, but the Hemmlich is done to get the person choking to cough. OP was already coughing so that lady should have never started the Hemmlich maneuver.

I know right! the bitch totally deserves it I mean come on who does she think she is going around trying to save peoples lives. -.-'... OP although this is unfortunate and I do feel sorry for you I hope you don't press charges, she was honestly just trying to help.


GaBabayy92 0

maybe she knew what she was doing but panicked cuz she never had to actually do it. it happens.

very true it happens to people all the time

She did not know what she was doing because the Heimlich maneuver is not to be performed on a person who is coughing, ever.

jjkiss 0

idiot when someone does the heimlich correctly it's breaks ribs... you should be thankful

SexiAmber1990 0

you're supposed to ask and be certified. therefore you can sue.

tbonea1990 0

Sue her. there are alot of law suits over just that

She was only trying to help. She could have just ignored you. Two broken ribs may hurt, but at least it was out of the kindness of her heart. You're such an ungrateful, inconsiderate bitch.

Okay. I'm going to go punch someone in the nose and insist I did it because I cared, and then they won't sue me. Let's see how this logic of yours works in the real world.

In the real world....I live there, if you care to know. Holding a job, graduating school, and in the process of moving into my own place. Yes, I would say I know a thing or two about this real world. And actually, Pazu, your argument is invalid. You're implying that you would do it purposely, then say it was out of kindness. However, I'm sure the woman never thought "I'm gonna make it a point to break this persons ribs and say it was kind." Two different scenarios, but thank you for playing.

jordanprodigy023 0

Sue her lol that's the american way

I agree with the above. If you are uninsured especially, and this is going to cost you a small fortune, consider suing. Anyone providing first aid to a conscious victim must get consent. No consent means no protection from liability. The Heimlich is also not to be done on people who are still actively coughing, like you were. Oh, and the Heimlich does not break ribs when done correctly, as someone posted above. Can you tell that I teach this stuff for a living?

Okay, you teach it and threaten to sue. Great. Consider Karma next time you choke. I'd make that more clear, but I'd be censored here. Probably will be for saying that. Maybe I should discuss it with my attorney.