
By Anonymous - 16/03/2011 12:53 - United States

Today, I had a violent coughing fit while at the store, which caused a lady to think I was choking, grab me from behind and start doing the Heimlich maneuver incorrectly. She broke two of my ribs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 187
You deserved it 3 947

Same thing different taste

Top comments

True, but the Hemmlich is done to get the person choking to cough. OP was already coughing so that lady should have never started the Hemmlich maneuver.

I know right! the bitch totally deserves it I mean come on who does she think she is going around trying to save peoples lives. -.-'... OP although this is unfortunate and I do feel sorry for you I hope you don't press charges, she was honestly just trying to help.


Unfortunately, the OP cannot sue or have the woman prosecuted, as the U.S. has "good Samaritan" laws. However, the OP can still ask for the woman to pay for hir hospital bills, plus any wages the OP might miss while s/he is out of work.

WOW. Sue someone because she tried to help him? WTF? Instead of encouraging OP to think of himself as a victim, how about appreciating the fact that a total stranger thought he was in serious distress and tried to save his life? Doesn't that make way more sense than using taxpayers' money to prosecute a kind-hearted stranger? (Many people wouldn't even try, because these days it seems like most people carry with them grossly exaggerated senses of entitlement! In fact, I bet most people around were giving OP dirty looks because his coughing fit probably produced a very annoying ruckus. But I digress...) Thank goodness that laws will likely protect her, assuming she isn't a healthcare professional. But the fact that Good Samaritan laws exist (not to mention comments in THIS THREAD) speaks volumes about the general character of people in this country. We have to set laws in place to prevent people from feeling too afraid or reluctant to help others? I find it very sad that it's necessary. We sue people for being fallible human beings right alongside (if not more often than) those who intentionally try to screw others. And for what...? We are VULTURES, plain and simple. In other words: **pull your head out of your own ass and realize that this big wide world revolves around more than just you and your relatively minor concerns.** Being kind is harder than being petty - it takes way more courage - but everyone is up to the challenge whether we acknowledge our capability or not. And like others said, breaking ribs does not necessarily mean that she did the maneuver incorrectly. When you act self-righteously but your facts are wrong, you only succeed in making yourself look foolish.

sparxva 12

It is more like suing someone for practicing medicine without a clue. If she wanted to help there is this thing called the telephone that can be used to get help long before a *coughing* person is in any danger of ... anything at all really. P.S. Change your tampon.

BrownEyedCurliee 0

Yeah, he/she can sue her. If the person is concious, you have to get consent before doing anything. Yeah, if he/she was really choking then he/she cant say yes, but they can damn sure nod. If they say no or dont give an answer, and then go unconcious, THEN you can help. The lady isnt protected under the law. So, sue the dumb bitch. BTW, I just learned this in First Aid/ CPR class, so I DEFF know what Im talking about. This just teaches her a lesson; get consent. If you dont get consent and you try to do it, DO IT RIGHT.

Good to see that a two-hour first aid course qualified you in Tort Law.

BrownEyedCurliee 0

The Good Samatin law doesnt cover her. I repeat; IT DOES NOT COVER HER.

tomtom88_fml 0

you CAN sue them they didn't ask you first and they where not trained or they would have asked first and not broken any ribs

that's NOT an FML! you can sue her ass! on top of the fact that she did it wrong, she didn't ask your permission to first. even if you HAD been choking, it's classifiable as assault

mandi2684 0

Sounds like she did it correctly, just not at the appropriate time.

this is obviously fake. why would someone who broke their ribs get on fml?

Alot of people are saying to sue them, but i doubt you'd really get far with that. There's something called the good samaritans act that protects people from being sued when they help someone else. Unless they do something highly negligent while trying to help you there's no point in sueing. People used to get their lives saved by others and if they had any minor problems they would sue whoever helped so everyone was so afraid of helping others. Thats why the law was made. However since you werent actually choking on anything maybe you would be able to...I just don't think it would go far because she was convinced you were and thought you might die.

BrownEyedCurliee 0