
By Anonymous - 16/03/2011 12:53 - United States

Today, I had a violent coughing fit while at the store, which caused a lady to think I was choking, grab me from behind and start doing the Heimlich maneuver incorrectly. She broke two of my ribs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 187
You deserved it 3 947

Same thing different taste

Top comments

True, but the Hemmlich is done to get the person choking to cough. OP was already coughing so that lady should have never started the Hemmlich maneuver.

I know right! the bitch totally deserves it I mean come on who does she think she is going around trying to save peoples lives. -.-'... OP although this is unfortunate and I do feel sorry for you I hope you don't press charges, she was honestly just trying to help.


510munchkin 0

at least sumone wuldve helpd u if u really wer choking

there is an act called need for consent and if someone, and adult, is choking, you have to ask them first if they would like help. if they say no you can't do anything about it. and since she didn't ask, I'm sure you could sue

RockMaterial 9

People are filing is it not common knowledge that you need air in your lungs to cough, so if you're coughing, you're not choking!!!

exus18 12

I am trained in the heimlich maneuver and even if done correctly the person could still get broken ribs or other injuries. As far as suing the person that's the whole reason no one wants to help each other in emergencies anymore

If you don't know how to perform the Heimlich maneuver, don't attempt the Heimlich maneuver. Seeing it on TV is not the same as knowing how (or when) to use it. The woman obviously did not know the first thing about the maneuver. She was not helping in any way. And more importantly, if you don't have consent to smash your fist against a person's ribs, then doing so is assault and you shouldn't do it. That woman is an idiot and deserves to face consequences for injuring OP.

for everyone saying she "tried to help" i have one statement that owns any argument you can throw. trying does not justify failing. get her for the bills and nothing else. unless you really really really really really need the money.

it's nice to know she tried to save you....

people need to understand that coughing is NOT choking. if you can cough your gag reflex will work anything in the throat out. choking is a blocked airway.

FriskyCoconut 0

if your coughing, your not choking. plus your supposed to ask If u may help. if the person is in fact choking, they will nod since you cannot speak when you are choking. I thought everyone knew that. (I took a course, I wanted to brag about what I knew, hope u guys don't mind. lol.)

I'm sure most of the people here have taken a course. I have. I know as much as you. But I don't feel the need to brag, and I'm sure no one here really cares to hear you brag, either. Sorry, sweetie.