
By Anonymous - 16/03/2011 12:53 - United States

Today, I had a violent coughing fit while at the store, which caused a lady to think I was choking, grab me from behind and start doing the Heimlich maneuver incorrectly. She broke two of my ribs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 187
You deserved it 3 947

Same thing different taste

Top comments

True, but the Hemmlich is done to get the person choking to cough. OP was already coughing so that lady should have never started the Hemmlich maneuver.

I know right! the bitch totally deserves it I mean come on who does she think she is going around trying to save peoples lives. -.-'... OP although this is unfortunate and I do feel sorry for you I hope you don't press charges, she was honestly just trying to help.


ouch :( that does suck, but if you were coughing then the lady should have known you weren't choking. Try and look on the bright side, at least there are still a few good people left in this world!

As much as I hate people who sue just for the hell of it, I think I'd sue. If she didn't break any of my ribs, I don't think I'd sue but I'd probably use some fancy language.

You don't Heimlich a coughing person, and you thwack a choker on the back first. Also, I always felt Heimlich was a great name for a lobster... [/weird tangent]

you're an idiot. never thwack on the back especially if they are choking, that only makes the choking worse

rallets 22

no but when guys start turning into that, ill switch teams :P

I hope you got her information, if so I would sue, at least for your medical bills and legal fees. Since you weren't really choking, the good Samaritan law does not cover her. I would also see if there were any store employees that witnessed it. If she was an employee, I would sue the store.

well. first of all. the Heimlich family made it illegal to call it that anymore. you can actually be sued for calling it the Heiklich maneuver. it's now called "abdominal thrust" which now kind of sounds sexual. and first of all. you need permission to give first aid to anyone. if they say no, you're legally not aloud to do anything until they pass out. so if she is certified, that's a malpractice and the business that certified her will no longer back her up.

TheDrifter 23

And if the op was coughing am gasping too hard to respond? Would that be implied permission by inability?

I was going to say the same thing. and no you have to confirm with them they are choking even it they are giving the universal side for I'm choking (both elbows pointed out and grasping their own neck like they are choking themselves)

well they have to give some form of consent. or they can sue you and say they didn't want medical attention. unless they say yes, or pass out. all you can do is encourage them. you aren't even supposed to do anything until their airway is completely blocked. if they can still cough, your not aloud to do anything yet.

WTF is wrong with this app, every now and then it says it successfully posted the comment but then never shows up. any way I think she's at most liable for the med bills and nothing more because she was just thinking on the spot.

zowieandzander77 1

happens to me all the time. I've stopped trying and log onto the actual website to post.