Thanks mom, you're the best

By prego - 30/04/2009 02:03 - United States

Today, I called my mom into my room to ask her to bring me something. She referred to me as a "lazy fat slug." I'm 38 weeks pregnant and was put on emergency bedrest by my doctor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 841
You deserved it 4 886

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your mom's rude! She definitely shouldn't say that to you!

laurisshnazzy 0

Or her mother could have been at her house because she was placed on bedrest and needs someone to take care of her. Good lord, people.


pinkducttape 0

i wish you and the baby the best. its difficult to be a caregiver of any kind - sorry she took her stress out on you.

pancakelover 0

If I were you I would get one of those little bells that you can ring everytime you need something... Then ring it like every 10 mins... Hell, get you about 5 of them so it will really piss her off if she tries to take one away from you.

perfectwinds 0

Whether she was a teen or not doesn't mean she should risk the babies life while on EMERGENCY bed rest and get up to do something herself. Obviously her mom offered her help and shouldn't bitch about it, especially since she's been pregnant before (unless OP was adopted and she doesn't know). You people are so judgmental. So what if it's a teen pregnancy? Shit happens, and she's dealing with it. For all of you saying she's fat as in obese and that's why she's on bed rest: why don't you do some research to get that foot surgically removed from your mouth? My sister in law was on bed rest before they had to perform a c-section on her at 32 weeks because her pregnancy was complicated. It wasn't a mistake and she's got a beautiful figure. There are complicated pregnancies due to health problems or just bad luck.

I'm so sick of teenagers who have NO RIGHT to have a child, because they're still children themselves, getting pregnant! And if this person isn't a teenager, and is an adult, why are you still living with your parents?!! Before you have a kid, you should be in a stable relationship, have a steady job, and HAVE YOUR OWN PLACE! I mean, seriously, this is just getting ridiculous. When you're 18, move out of your parent's house, and wait a few years, and be in a stable relationship, before you have kids. End of story! Kids are not dogs, they're not fun little things to name and dress, they're PEOPLE! Sorry if I'm assuming things about this person, it just pisses me off that she's mad at her mother, when she's the one who's pregnant, and still living with her! It's just ridiculous.

You know guys, there's this little note right above the comment box. Something like, "Speak your mind but please try and be respectful." Glad to see that some many of the enlightened here know how to do that. Of course, most of you seem to have nothing better to do then be judgmental and assuming all sorts of things about the OP. Let's look at some of your lives and see how they stack before you go about criticizing. Anyway, your mom may just be really stressed and worried about you, hon. Perhaps she just snapped and will really regret it later... Or she may just be a bitch. Either way, sorry that happened and I hope you and your new little are going to be fine.

#67: There are perfectly reasonable reasons to move back home when you're pregnant. And the OP never said she was a teenager or single, or didn't originally have her own place. For instance, I know a lot of wives or are in steady relationships with military men. They're pregnant when their men get deployed, and don't want to live at home alone for up to a year or more, especially when it's a first pregnancy. If she was on bedrest as well, then she'd need to move in with someone since she can't constantly be up and about. Or maybe she has a child already, and needs help caring for a young child since she can't get up. Her husband could be a business man who's away on a business trip. Stop jumping to conclusions about things you have no idea about.

ilovefml20 0

dear #67, did you ever think that maybe her mom is staying with her because she's on bedrest?

Monty_Python 0

There are three possible situations: 1. She is at her mom's house because her husband or bf is at work. She would do this so she wouldn't have to be alone and face any possible problems resulting from that. 2. Her mom is at her house for the reason above. 3. She is a teenage/barely adult mother living with her mom. Scenarios 1 and 2: FYL Scenario 3: YDI

atleastimpretty 0

you guys are a bunch of assholes! #22 you're an idiot....i work IN THE MATERNITY WARD and 40 wks is how long gestation is supposed to last asshole....38 wks is still considered premature..its not as dangerous as if earlier but regardless. my mom is no where near obese and she was on bedrest for her last 2 pregnancies. SHIT HAPPENS! and WHO THE HECK CALLS A 38 WKS PREGNANT PERSON ON EMERGENCY BEDREST A LAZY SLUG??!! WHAT.......A.......BITCH!

Um... correct me if I'm wrong, but where does OP even say that she was LIVING WITH her mother? She only says that she called her mother into the room. It doesn't say that she is a teenager, lives with her mother, is not in a "stable relationship", or can't afford to support a child. Maybe her mother was just visiting. I could see my mother saying something like this. She would probably say that I was using my pregnancy as an excuse to be lazy.