Thanks mom, you're the best

By prego - 30/04/2009 02:03 - United States

Today, I called my mom into my room to ask her to bring me something. She referred to me as a "lazy fat slug." I'm 38 weeks pregnant and was put on emergency bedrest by my doctor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 844
You deserved it 4 886

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your mom's rude! She definitely shouldn't say that to you!

laurisshnazzy 0

Or her mother could have been at her house because she was placed on bedrest and needs someone to take care of her. Good lord, people.


CSmiles88 0

Majority of you have no idea what you are talking about. Take it from someone who knows and just wants to point out a few things: 1) A full term pregnancy is 40 weeks, not 36 or 38. 2) Unless necessary for health reasons, most doctors will not induce labor before 40 weeks and some will even wait until 42 at the latest to induce. 3) Regardless of her age, marital status or weight, her mother could have been at her house (or she at her mom's) for any number of reasons. Don't assume you know everything from a three sentence FML. 4) To those claiming YDI if she was a teen: I was 18 when I got pregnant. I was engaged and lived with my then fiance. When we split when I was 4 months pregnant, I moved back in with my parents. Not every teen that gets pregnant is a *****, promiscuous, or anything along those lines. (And for the record, I'm now a full time student paying for school w/o the aid of my parents, maintiaining a job and raising my soon to be two year old son in one of the wealthiest communities in my city. So don't tell me that all teens that get pregnant are worthless ******.) 5) To those that think only obese women are put on bedrest: If a woman has health conditions that could potentially harm the baby, she WILL be put on bedrest, no matter how far along she is. I am 5' 5" and weigh 120 pounds (both now and before my pregnancy). At 36 weeks I was extremely limited in my actions (by my doctor) because my blood pressure would drop unexpectedly. I could only make one trip up/down the stairs a day. 6) She could also be on bedrest because her baby may have ehxibited health risks or problems in testing. Lesson to be learned? Pregnant women can be very hormonal, yes. However, whether they are on bedrest or not, they she never be talked about or talked down to simply because they are pregnant, REGARDLESS of their situation. HOWEVER, being pregnant does not give any woman the right to abuse the privileges that come along with said pregnancy. Everyone should try to find a common ground. To those helping pregnant women, realize that her body is going through a lot of changes that she probably doesn't know how to handle and really needs your love and support. To the pregnant women, realize that these people are helping you because they love you and they want to help you, not because they have to or because they owe you anything. Try to observe how you treat them. I hope you and your baby are happy and healthy!!

In my opinion..i would not really consider this as an FML...

jen_kay 0

I would consider that a FML, because her mother is being such a dick, that she wont help her own daughter on emergncy bed rest. thats deffinatly a FML.

Steph1234_fml 0
pianodoctor 0

To everyone who is saying she should have been induced... 9 months is what laypeople say is full term HOWEVER 38 weeks is considered full term and due dates are calculated at 40 WEEKS!!!. #124 is RIGHT!!! No doctor will induce, if the mother is otherwise healthy, until 40 weeks or greater. 36 weeks still poses serious risk to the baby as developement is not complete (that is considered preterm and induction is not advised unless unavoidable). Bed Rest at 38 weeks is perfectly believable. So unless you happen to have an MD, STFU about that already.

iDuck 0

How old are you? If you're a teen, ydi.

If your age is below 20, you SHOULDN'T BE WASTING YOUR DAMN LIFE TO A KID YET! And it probably is, so your mom has all right to say what you are :>.

Weird... The exact same thing happened to me but I was cAlled a dumb lazy *****

pregnant women are a big, fat pain in the ass. ydi for being fat and a complaining bitch. you should be kissing the ground your mother walks on, not whining and demanding the world of her. if you want premium care, then PAY for it. your mom is a saint and you are an immobile, gross mess.

@#133 I'm guessing you're a guy, so... I hope that if you ever get married, your wife gets pregnant and you SEE how hard it is to lug around another being in your stomach. Or you know what? Why don't you just take oh say a 7 pound bowling ball stick it up your shirt and lug it around all day. Don't eat while your at it. And do laborous activities that would break your back. If you're a girl, I hope you get pregnant with twins.