Thanks mom, you're the best

By prego - 30/04/2009 02:03 - United States

Today, I called my mom into my room to ask her to bring me something. She referred to me as a "lazy fat slug." I'm 38 weeks pregnant and was put on emergency bedrest by my doctor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 844
You deserved it 4 886

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your mom's rude! She definitely shouldn't say that to you!

laurisshnazzy 0

Or her mother could have been at her house because she was placed on bedrest and needs someone to take care of her. Good lord, people.


Were you fat before you got knocked up? That's an important piece of information you left out

#30... a human's gestational period is 40 weeks. She's two weeks until her due date. FAIL.

PsyButterfly 0

People are idiots when they say she's past due and should of had the baby at 36 weeks, damn man people like that should not reproduce because they don't know what the hell they are talking about. And you are NOT immediately taken off bedrest at that time, I know this first hand because I was on bed rest until the day I went into labor myself, at 40 weeks, not 36. People can be on bedrest for many reasons, not for being fat or a **** like some of you seem to think. There are many, many, many reasons to be put on bedrest and it doesn't make anyone a **** or lazy. And parents can help out with pregnancies for many reasons, don't assume that she is a teenager, and even if she is, so what? As long as she's a good parent and teaches her kid to not be a closeminded tool like half of you all are then she will do just fine in life.

000001 0

I would be angry/ashamed of your mom, too. I hope you don't be a bitchy parent like her. And to those who insist YDI, you're all stupid. Try being pregnant and being bitched at, will you?

ZH13 0

how many "my mom's a bitch" FMLs can there be? i doubt there are this many horrible moms. unless its the same mom and all her kids really like this site. by the way did anyone read that one about the Iraq veteran who's mom told him to stop whining after he told her he kept having nightmares of being shot at in a pit? that one was awfull

i can't believe how mean some people are. i also can't believe how so many people think they know everything about complete strangers.

What a total bitch. I hope she's paying for your medical bills.

Q_0 0

You should have thrown a shoe at her eye and said "you're stupid because you're rude and now your eye is ******! Deal with it!"