Thanks, kids

By Anonymous - 28/09/2009 21:21 - United States

Today, I told my son and daughter that their father and I were getting a divorce. They each responded with something like, "Yay! I want to live with Daddy! He buys better presents!" Their father has literally never bought anything for them, one of the many reasons I'm divorcing him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 252
You deserved it 8 734

Same thing different taste

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Daddy doesn't buy anything for them? That's what you think. What about the countless hookers? The cocaine? The Everclear? All that meant NOTHING to you?! Well, it meant THE WORLD to them.

Maybe "literally never bought anything for them" includes food, shelter, clothing and so forth. You know, literally never bought anything for them. The words the OP used? Sound familiar? Not supporting the children / family at all is a far more valid reason for divorce than just never buying them presents.


obviously with a character limit we can't get the full story, but if that's the way your children feel and if he never bought them anything, they'll learn soon enough.

Towelie_31 0

Thers 2 things I h8. 1-dads who take credit for presents from santa. 2-people who add their name at the end of their fml comments. -Towelie_31

By "anything," I think the OP probably meant those pesky little inconsequential things like food, clothing, medicine... Daddy sounds like a deadbeat. That said, my dad was great at buying presents. Not so much anything else. The exact reason my mom separated from him.

FlaminYawn 0

better or worse? sickness and health? richer or poorer? My wife is beautiful and makes 4 times what I make and did before we were married, yet it doesn't bother me a bit. Actually I feel like more of a man for being able to pull such a great woman...

Erindub 0

Guys, BEFORE you start saying it's a crappy reason to get a divorce and she's a bitch, IT TAKES TWO TO GET A DIVORCE

That is total bullshit, and you are totally full of it. In fact, you should see a doctor, because you are suffering an impacted turd so hard, and so long, it will take a power auger and a high colonic to unclog your brain. Anyone can get a divorce, without the consent of the other. OP is making a lame excuse. SHE wants out.... perhaps an affair?

gabrielbaby 9

Not to mention it takes two to be in a relationship. It takes TWO to raise a child. At least it supposed to. And obviously he hasnt don't sh*t for them do why the f*ck does she deserve it? Morons

AllMyNope 10

Actually 49, when getting a divorce, both individuals have to sign the divorce papers before it's official. And before you call someone else a stupid shit, I advise you to remember you're insulting someone over the Internet, which is pretty much the apex of immaturity. Have a nice day.

prettystoopid 0

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some of you guys are complete douches.. what do you expect, that she is going go give every detail about the divorce??.. the exact reason she's divorcing him is because she does not see him good enough of a father.. she just tried to make it a little bit more tragic by saying it was him not buying gifts.. n not being a good father is enough to be divorced, with all the other responsibilities the mother is already undertaking, husbands fathering well is something that is justly and rightfully expected.. your life sucks right now, tho, this i have to say..

proud_liberal 0

good riddance to the ex. husbands only use are for alimony. make sure you get a good lawyer honey. remember, don't get mad, get EVERYTHING. =)

that wasn't an incredibly sexist statement, no, because its only sexist if a man says something like that