Sex ed has failed entire generations

By Thatslife - 26/03/2011 19:29 - Netherlands

Today, I asked my friend what form of birth control she used the first time she had sex. She stared at me like I was from another planet and said, "You can't get pregnant the first time..." This moron is my best friend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 841
You deserved it 7 864

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would say she should get together with the boys who think girls don't pee/poop/fart/burp... but I really don't want these idiots to breed.


since she is a great friend of yours , then maybe you should educate her.

How is this not a ydi? You hang out with her...

kinga08 0

**** her life for being so ******* stupid. Let's hope the guy screwing her has a few more brain cells. I bet in less than a year she will be pregnant and the next big star on Teen Mom 3.

And everyone knows you only lose your virginity on the third time.

You should to tell her go on Google and proof her how dumb she is. How old is she? She ever had a sex ed class in middle or high school?

what a dick. you can get preggo on the first time... who taught her sex ed. If anything she's already preggo and isn't telling you cuz she's too afraid to be wrong, so she's using her gift of stupidity to cover it up.