Sex ed has failed entire generations

By Thatslife - 26/03/2011 19:29 - Netherlands

Today, I asked my friend what form of birth control she used the first time she had sex. She stared at me like I was from another planet and said, "You can't get pregnant the first time..." This moron is my best friend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 841
You deserved it 7 864

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would say she should get together with the boys who think girls don't pee/poop/fart/burp... but I really don't want these idiots to breed.


someone tell her that having sex is NOT like smoking weed where u can't get high the the first time, u CAN get pregnant the first time. lol

Your the one who's friends with her, sweety.

that sounds like something my friend would say -_-

Actually the first time is the more likely to end in a pregnancy. Everyone should just skip that first time and start off with the second.

it only takes once. sorry but she's a dumbass

This is why children shouldn't have sex. Just sayin'. I got pregnant the first time I had sex. :)

-.-'' you say that when you're still a child yourself.

Hey, if she's 18 and has a decent job, why not? So long as she's able to support the kid and give it a happy life, I see nothing wrong with it. It's when you're unable to give them a good life yet you get pregnant anyway that's an issue.

My aunt got pregnant the first time.

tell her to test her theory out then sit back and watch the fire works