Sex ed has failed entire generations

By Thatslife - 26/03/2011 19:29 - Netherlands

Today, I asked my friend what form of birth control she used the first time she had sex. She stared at me like I was from another planet and said, "You can't get pregnant the first time..." This moron is my best friend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 841
You deserved it 7 864

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would say she should get together with the boys who think girls don't pee/poop/fart/burp... but I really don't want these idiots to breed.


julayye 0

I've got one exactly like that. good luck...

choirnerd9 0

Smart people and dumb people balance each other out. Plus, half the viral videos on YouTube that smart people get their entertainment from are of stupid people humiliating theirselves. That's why I don't particularly mind stupid people as long as their stupidity doesn't negatively affect the people around them.

But then they vote and make my hamburgers wrong.

emodude44 0

I've had sex 3 times with 3 different women. I'm a father of 3 jk but wouldn't that suck? point is its possible PS: This is a really stupid comment right here. Please ignore it!

Its more like fherlife. I doubt she will go far in life.

karinabeby 0

Another Not FML! You friend is a moron who is gonna have 15 kids! FHL!

wow didnt she learn anything from sex ed