Sex ed has failed entire generations

By Thatslife - 26/03/2011 19:29 - Netherlands

Today, I asked my friend what form of birth control she used the first time she had sex. She stared at me like I was from another planet and said, "You can't get pregnant the first time..." This moron is my best friend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 841
You deserved it 7 864

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would say she should get together with the boys who think girls don't pee/poop/fart/burp... but I really don't want these idiots to breed.


lilxsexii 4

ha, I cant believe there's still people who believe that. -_- Use a condom!

joa76 3

sex with condom > no sex

You may not prefer it, but wearing a condom is better than paying 18 years of child support to the poor girl you knocked up because "it just felt better". Idiots.

CaptainPickles72 18

Plus the few seconds it takes to put a condom on beats the 18 years of paying for the kid.

@ 168 and the above how about the 5 seconds of swallowing a pill every day ...? Why do people always talk about birth control like the condom is the only real one? If you both have no STD's the birth control pill is just the same, but with more feeling for the dude :)

Hormonal birth control comes with a whole set of problems for the girl - I'm on the shot, and in a year I've gained over 40 pounds that are impervious to both diet and exercise, suffered a calcium loss that makes my joints feel like those of an old woman at times, and struggled with mood swings and ups and downs in sex drive. The pill comes with similiar although milder problems, with an added issue: if you forget to take a pill you're at risk of becoming pregnant.

@ 266 You are just a very unlucky and rare case then, but this also happens with condoms, some guys (and sometimes girls) are allergic to the material the condom is made of. But just like when you can't take the 'normal' pill, you can use a different kind of pill or condom. I use the pill too and I have no problems at all. Just like all friends that I have that use it too.

Wezl8 0

Some best friend you are for posting this.

Jess_GFY 0

Your friend is right. You can only get pregnant the 34th time, under a full moon, while wearing a poncho. At least that is what I heard..

SirEBC 7

You should hook her up with sterile guy from the other FML.

nutsackmuscle 0

Or perhaps an overly fertile guy. Give a girl a sterile guy she will learn a lesson for a day. give her an overly fertile guy she will learn a lesson for a lifetime.

Wirebiter 0

Except we're the ones who would have to put up with their retard-baby.

carmenm 6

that's clearly not fyl jf anything fhl for being such a complete moron