Sex ed has failed entire generations

By Thatslife - 26/03/2011 19:29 - Netherlands

Today, I asked my friend what form of birth control she used the first time she had sex. She stared at me like I was from another planet and said, "You can't get pregnant the first time..." This moron is my best friend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 841
You deserved it 7 864

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would say she should get together with the boys who think girls don't pee/poop/fart/burp... but I really don't want these idiots to breed.


SimonREWQ 0

Simple. Don't be her friend. You do understand you choose your friends right? Your fault for befriending her or choosing her as a friend in the first place due to your bad judgment. YDI.

Her stupidity doesn't tell you shit about who she is as a person. For all you know, she may be the most helpful friend OP has ever had, despite her lack of a brain. Would you want to lose the best friend you ever had just because they said something stupid (once again, for all you know this may be the first stupid comment OP's friend's ever said)?

this is why we need sex ed, so morons like this, whose parents CLEARLY did not teach her enough, can actually get a decent education on the subject. op, fyl and I really hope you informed her that she was wrong.

batgirl_babygirl 0

LMAO wow your friend is dumb lol

RavenNight 0

hey ur the one tht befriended her lol

no ur all dumbasses , ur friend is right u cant the first time

irish_sonic 0

your friends mom should have swallowed. then there would be one less dumbass in the world.