
By LearnGeographyUSA - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Kirkland

Today, and for the past 13 months, I've been living in the States. I've been called a Nazi, asked if we have electricity in Germany, and been made fun of the way I speak with my "German accent", the list goes on. I'm not even German, I'm Danish. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 106
You deserved it 2 965

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Laugh at their ignorance. Or agree with their Nazi joke and let them know they could be next.

I guess, when you moved to America, you did Nazi that coming.


hewro_failure 11

You poor poor man ... Welcome to the United States of Ignorance.

Yeah, Noor I know what you mean. I'm from New Mexico and some people in the US think that it's part of Mexico. Some people don't even know it's a state.

28- Lol! In all fairness, you said a kid did that to you. Age lends some forgiveness, no? ;) Take my oldest son, who is now 5. A few months ago, we were shopping in Walmart, when he came around a corner and was face to face with a man wearing a turban. It never occurred to me before that he's never seen a turban in real life before, but 3 seconds later, I figured out really quickly Where he has seen one when he stopped dead in his tracks, looked at his head, stared at his feet, looked at his head again, and turned back to me wide eyed and asked in an excited stage whisper; "Daddy! that man a genie?!?" Thank you for that Aladdin. ;) The gentleman in question found that very amusing though, as I explained that I didn't believe so because he didn't have blue skin. ;p I may regret that explanation the day we run into someone who drank way too much colloidal silver, but hopefully he'll know better by then. ;)

Haha what do you expect from the States? Also, why would you leave Denmark? It's paradise there.

Once met a Danish girl who'd learned her English in England, and found that accent totally charming. Might help?

On behalf of my fellow Americans, I apologize for the ignorance of the few that you have come in contact with. Hopefully things will get better for you ^_^

Yea when it comes to cultural diversity many Americans suck. Hopefully your transition here has been wonderful otherwise.

barefootchic 6

I apologize profusely. Some people make Americans look horrid.