
By LearnGeographyUSA - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Kirkland

Today, and for the past 13 months, I've been living in the States. I've been called a Nazi, asked if we have electricity in Germany, and been made fun of the way I speak with my "German accent", the list goes on. I'm not even German, I'm Danish. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 106
You deserved it 2 965

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Laugh at their ignorance. Or agree with their Nazi joke and let them know they could be next.

I guess, when you moved to America, you did Nazi that coming.


OP, think positive: at least the people asking you these questions will be at little less ignorant after you answer them, and they even may spread the word!

ctlnaaia71 8

Americans are extremely ignorants. They make fun of my English, and even at work one of the managers was very disrespectful because of my accent. I bet they don't know where Denmark is, or that it is a country.

"are ignorants." I love it when people who can't even spell accuse others of being stupid.

PsychoBitch666 8

De tror også at vi i Norge har isbjørner i gatene, at vikinger fremdeles går løs, at vi ikke har elektrisitet og at alle går rundt i bunad. #murica.

Do you have electricity in Denmark, you Nazi with the funny danish accent? I'm sorry. I just couldn't help myself. The only thing I can offer in return is that I come from a Commie country where everything is powered by vodka and perogies, and I have a stupid-sounding commie accent.

Idiotsspoutcrap 6

its nice how every country complains about us stupid Americans but we are the ones who "wrote the book on country bashing." every country has idiots all you have to do is watch the news to see that. if we are so bad here in America stay in your own ******* country we dont want any more assholes here.

Americans are shit at geography, this is an unfortunate truth. I'm American and pretty decent at geography and world cultures, but then again I grew up outside the country. My fellow countrymen often make me ashamed....

Idiotsspoutcrap 6

Not all Americans are stupid. We just get all the idiots from other countries and they drown out the intelligent Americans. If we are so stupid how come people from every country come to America to enroll in a University. some people need to take their own advice and stop stereotyping Americans as stupid before they complain about us stereotyping. Rant over good day and let the down thumbs rain.

kut17 11

Thank you. It's you vs. every other person on this comment board. America doesn't make me sad. Ignorant fools who think we're too stupid to stand up and walk at the same time make me sad.

Idiotsspoutcrap 6

i know right. there is absolutely no reason to apologize. we should not hate the stupid people that want to learn. they are just ignorant. the people i hate are those that know they are ignorant and take pride in it. those people are the ones Hitler should have targeted (that might be in bad taste but its my opinion).

This happens all over the world. Americans are everywhere now, y'know. When I was a kid, I lived in Germany for a time since my dad was in the air force. I had a friend named Schannon, and while we were hanging out together (while on the American base) waiting for our parents, a man who had heard her name came up and started making fun of her 'Nazi German' name and asking her about the haulocost and if she was trying to bribe me to join the Nazis. (I was perfectly blonde at the time, and have blue eyes.) Frankly, we had no clue what he was saying, since we were, like, six...but we came up with the best response we could think of. We noticed one of our teachers from school nearby and ran faux crying to her in the only German we knew. The man quickly escaped.... But see? Americans are stupid everywhere. An American man IN GERMANY thought it'd be alright to mock a 'German-sounding' name of a little girl who was minding her own business. *shrugs* Sometimes it makes me feel a little ashamed to be American. (And really? Mistaking Danish for German? The languages sound nothing alike. Those must have been Americans who've never once left the country in their lives or attempted to learn a foreign language apart from Spanish in high school. German is a gruff blockish-sounding language, and Danish to me sounds kind of like a cross between curling your tongue and clicking it. Both intriguing sounds, put into action correctly...)