
By LearnGeographyUSA - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Kirkland

Today, and for the past 13 months, I've been living in the States. I've been called a Nazi, asked if we have electricity in Germany, and been made fun of the way I speak with my "German accent", the list goes on. I'm not even German, I'm Danish. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 106
You deserved it 2 965

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Laugh at their ignorance. Or agree with their Nazi joke and let them know they could be next.

I guess, when you moved to America, you did Nazi that coming.


I'm sorry for that, I live in America and most of us are really stupid and uncultured.

graphicstyle7 17

Sorry about that. Some of us are pretty ignorant over here. You need to sit down and think up some snappy comebacks that will put fools in their place!

When I was in high school my friends and I befriended a German exchange student. They would jokingly ask her if she was a Nazi (which I didn't find very funny), ask her if she's read that banned book, mock her accent, etc., but it was all in a playful way; in fact we all still keep in touch even though she has been back in Germany for a few years. Maybe these are just tasteless jokes?

Can anyone explain the 'Cheese Danish' jokes?! I don't get it, and I'm Danish too, so it bothers me.. :P

Not every American confused Danes with pastries. Sorry about the others.

skyeyez9 24

They Asked if you have electricity in Germany? Oh my gawd....their stupidity knows no bounds.

Argh, danish accents are worst... But they definitely don't sound german FYL, even if you were German, that sucks.

It's okay, most of us foreigners have long since accepted that most Americans are retarded when it comes to the rest of the world. How depressing