Pick me

By Brit - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I made a Facebook under a guy's name and I'm sending myself wall posts just so it looks like I actually talk to a guy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 252
You deserved it 46 220

Top comments

ElMundio87 0

just go talk to a guy, it's not hard

This will back fire, in a few weeks this should be posted, "my friends found out that the guy I've been talking to on facebook was me." don't expect sympathy when it happens.


That's kinda sad. It's really not that hard to talk to real guys, ya know.

theres no point of making this post YDI

Geez, I keep seeing posts similar to this. Who on earth cares that much what other people think about them to do something like this? Who are you fooling, really?

perdix 29

Why don't you send PM's (private messages) to some of the guys who hang out at FML? You can then "talk" to a guy at the same level of reality as with Facebook.

CapnBlackadder 0

hahaha imagine when your real friends find out it's you...

this is sad. like really sad... god I'm so happy I'm not you. YDI

OP- and you're so pathetic you dumped yourself? Sad. YDI.

kelseyyyy 0

get off of FML and facebook and go talk to a real guy. there's plenty of guys out there that are willing to talk to anyy girl!