Pick me

By Brit - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I made a Facebook under a guy's name and I'm sending myself wall posts just so it looks like I actually talk to a guy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 252
You deserved it 46 220

Top comments

ElMundio87 0

just go talk to a guy, it's not hard

This will back fire, in a few weeks this should be posted, "my friends found out that the guy I've been talking to on facebook was me." don't expect sympathy when it happens.


539533 0

haha... ya need to get out more, :)

Meowinx 5

Shame, sad! :'( NAAAAT ******* funny!!

blingblingbling 0

..lame. poor you, you can't even socialize.. you're life must sucks :s

uhohuscrewedup 0

I don't think anyone cares if u talk to a guy or not.

510lobita510 0

tell me you facebook name and i will comment on your wall that way you dont have to feel bad about not getting comments from guys. come on people lets help her out.

drewbreesdat 0

seriously just talk to a guy alot of them aren't assholes to girls... well some arent