Leave them alone

By Anonymous - 23/07/2009 11:13 - Greece

Today, I said to our pool-boy, "I know what you're doing, and you have to stop it." He started shouting that I had no right to tell them what to do and that they were in love. He was referring to his relationship with my eldest son. I wanted to tell him to stop drinking my beers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 624
You deserved it 8 830

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SystemofaBlink41 27

I don't think OP's FMLing because of him being gay, but more because it was an awkward situation...

Um...I think one or two of you missed the point (like #2), OP wasn't mad that the pool boy and his son were in a gay relationship, he just wanted the pool boy to STOP DRINKING HIS BEER. He probably didn't know his son was gay, or if he did, he didn't care.


Look at this controversial FML comment board! Wow!

jahwn 12

Not the best way to find out, but really, the worst part is that he stole your beer.

wait so who stole your beer? Because thats important

What's with all the ignorant commenters on FMyLife? Seriously, someone please tell me. I want to know.

lol you learn something new everyday i guess

Why does everyone seem to think that if a person has a little bit of money, or even a lot, that they can't be upset about anything? All you people who think that are truly retarded. So what if someone has more money than you, get the hell over it and maybe go do something about it instead of saying shit like, "You have a pool, quit bitching." What the **** is that? Money isn't everything to people, and just because some people have a good job and make good money doesn't mean that their life is completely grand. Because they're better off financially than you doesn't mean that their life is so much better than yours.

icertainlysuck 0

I have a difficult time believing this story. But if it's true. FYL, but u need to get over it.

Anything to do with homosexuality automatically has a flame war started. I wouldn't be surprised if half of the buried comments are 4chan.org people who simply want to antagonize everyone. Now, it makes my heart smile that the pool boy and his employer's son found love. Very adorable. By this same token, the pool boy probably wasn't stealing the beers, the son was probably giving them to him (and drinking them himself, likely).

Lonely_Lez: And it's funny how everything has to do with 4chan. The same happens on Lamebook. Wth? I don't know what 4chan is and could care less. OP: Next time you decide to confront the pool boy about his thieving ways... try starting the conversation off with "You're stealing my beers and I know it." Sheesh. But, FYL.. what an awkward moment for you.

#90 Could *not* have cared less. "Could care less" means that you do care (to some degree), whereas "couldn't care less"means means there is no level of caring below the current feeling. Does that make sense?

wheels_forever 0

To those who are hating on the gays: It's none of your business! What do you know about homosexuality? Seriously, this is not a site to post your beliefs, and even if it was, you're not being very accepting. To the OP: This is cute! It's only an FML because this is probably not the way you wanted to find out, but hey, he found love! :]

Hugorgy 0