
By Alliente - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was talking to my boyfriend. He won't go on a cruise with me in the gulf of Mexico, because he thinks we will crash into an iceberg like in Titanic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 689
You deserved it 3 943

Top comments

gotta prepare for those Mexican icebergs

For the love of God. Sit down tonight with him & Google where the gulf of Mexico is! Then maybe he will have a face palm moment and agree to go with you.


Oy, it's not an iceberg you'll be hitting! It'll be a strategically designed boat carrying around about fifty illegal immigrants.

Go alone, take pictures of other guys and yourself and make him jealous?

18- What the hell? That's a horrible idea.

Mikeskinner 7

Guys don't get jealous, we get pissed.

I though he was going to say something about oil but an iceberg...

Hey, anything can happen, all it takes is one ice burg floating from the Arctic and BOOM! Goodbye ship! You never know

Blackmail111 9

Ladies and gentlemen, the real paranoid parrot

He should worry about getting drunk and falling overboard. Crazy things happen on cruises all the time! Don't you read the newspapers? Btw cruising to the Bahamas was the best vacation I even took in my life!!(:

snarkytruth 37

If it's not that it's Shipboard illnesses that are always infecting hundreds and quarantine guests to their cabins.. Your right Bahama cruises are the best gotta love the Caribbean

With this hot weather consider yourself lucky if indeed an iceberg crossed your path. The cruise captain would be blessing his saints, trust me. After days of traveling through the large jacuzzi-like gulf, a bit of ice could go a long way. Their ice supply would be running low before the iceberg came. Think of the free ice cream for everybody!

Mexican icebergs... in the summer.Everybody knows Mexican icebergs only appear if the weather is below 55 degrees.Your boyfriend is silly.

Smack the back of his head and knock some sense into him!