
By Alliente - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was talking to my boyfriend. He won't go on a cruise with me in the gulf of Mexico, because he thinks we will crash into an iceberg like in Titanic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 689
You deserved it 3 943

Top comments

gotta prepare for those Mexican icebergs

For the love of God. Sit down tonight with him & Google where the gulf of Mexico is! Then maybe he will have a face palm moment and agree to go with you.


joeg16_04 1

I guess your more into looks then common sense. Hopefully lol

mowmowlife 21

Go and tell him about the octopus that took over the ship. Also the octopus was friends with King Kong and they stripped the sexy people.

To be fair, the people on the titanic thought that it was ridiculous to think the ship had a chance at sinking .. Who knows, maybe your boyfriend if psychic ? Haha

hateevryone 14

Go without him. That's his loss.

noisebox 1

Better safe than sorry, just make love at home and avoid being sea sick...he's right also...

geod69 8

Well you'll just have to take me instead

mrbluetrumpet 1

This is like the third page of comments that has this "OP" thing, what is OP?