
By Alliente - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was talking to my boyfriend. He won't go on a cruise with me in the gulf of Mexico, because he thinks we will crash into an iceberg like in Titanic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 689
You deserved it 3 943

Top comments

gotta prepare for those Mexican icebergs

For the love of God. Sit down tonight with him & Google where the gulf of Mexico is! Then maybe he will have a face palm moment and agree to go with you.


kaylib7162 6

.......WOW........ Got a smart one there girl!!!

Iceberg in the gulf of Mexico: Highly Unlikely A radar equipped cruise ship striking an iceberg: also highly unlikely

your BF is stupid, i hope for your sake he is really hot. just don't marry him and end up with a stupid old man

Not saying there are icebergs in the gulf, but regardless, cruises are sketchy, more than you know, someone usually ends up extremely sick or missing. i'll stick to the beach.

I hear the Mexican icebergs have a huge worm in the middle.

I'd be more concerned about any remaining oil...

Blueocean7 19

Smh... Wow. I'm a Titanic expert and can say this... No ship was ever sunken by an iceberg since 1912, with the real Titanic's sinking. So it's safe especially in the warm Caribbean. His loss then! I'll be happy to take his place!

Llamacod 11

also mr "expert" you should stick with what you know. google ms explorer and you will see that a ship has been "sunken" by an iceberg as recently as 2007.

Blueocean7 19

Yes, I'm aware of that ship that sank in 2007. I should have been more clear, I meant in the north Atlantic Ocean, with regular passenger ocean liners. That ship, MS Explorer, was a small cruise ship and all survived. I should know as I followed the news of her sinking when it happened in 2007. I'm only an expert on Titanic so therefore I was sticking with what I know.

It not the iceberg he needs to worry about. It is the oil rigs.

i see why he's worried because if anyone remembers that cruise ship with the italian driver you'll see why