
By Alliente - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was talking to my boyfriend. He won't go on a cruise with me in the gulf of Mexico, because he thinks we will crash into an iceberg like in Titanic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 689
You deserved it 3 943

Top comments

gotta prepare for those Mexican icebergs

For the love of God. Sit down tonight with him & Google where the gulf of Mexico is! Then maybe he will have a face palm moment and agree to go with you.


lexi365 20
Llamacod 11

3 sports? I read your profile and saw only 2 sports listed.

Jordan1491_fml 0

Okay, I'm sorry, OP, but I laughed out loud when I read this x) Hopefully he understands your logic when you explain things to him, and that you get to go on your cruise after all :P

mhud4911 0

yes, because ive seen dozens of icebergs in the warm water of the golf of Mexico. its in the 90s-100s in the south, that water wont be any where near freezing!

Icebergs in Mexico. That's going against what most people believe in, you know, the lies retards think are global warming...

TheQueenLala 6

Well with global warming n all.. Naww playin

You deserve it, you should know if the guy is stupid before you go out with him.