Gang violence

By fattysonparade - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom

Today, I cycled past a group of middle school kids. They decided that they should all start shouting "FAT ALERT" while ringing the bells on their bikes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 557
You deserved it 7 102

Top comments

We have Middle Schools in the UK? Ok, well, I'll go with that. But what ages are kids at Middle School? Back on topic - too many kids in this country are cocky little sods, just ignore them. You are at least doing exercise, so you don't worry about what they think. You don't even know them.

At least you were cycling and trying to lose weight :( respect for that :)


At least you were cycling and trying to lose weight :( respect for that :)

<3 aww so sad. Props though for working out. and 12 harsh

you should have acted like it was someone else they were talking about and started looking around lol

We have Middle Schools in the UK? Ok, well, I'll go with that. But what ages are kids at Middle School? Back on topic - too many kids in this country are cocky little sods, just ignore them. You are at least doing exercise, so you don't worry about what they think. You don't even know them.

In Canadialand, middle schools are usually grades 7-8. My mother went to a school that included grade 9 in that, as well. Might be different on your end, though.

TheDrifter 23

Here in my end of Canadia land some of the middle schools are 7 and 8 and some of them are 6-8.

middle school kids can be little bastards. to bad people can't beat the crap out of them.

Jay1D 0

people can as long as there not over 18 :)

Time to loose some fat then! YDI for being fat

You're ******* stupid. The OP is riding a bicycle. See a connection?

Riding a bicycle isn't the same as loosing fat. You're ******* stupid (:

"Loose" is entirely different than "lose." You're ******* stupid. :)

PurplePigeon 0

hahaha. way to put the jackass in his place. that was funny.

at least they didn't say "run it's fatzilla"

I was completely unaware that any middleschooler would be caught dead with a bell on their bike...

MoJoThundRpants 0