Gang violence

By fattysonparade - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom

Today, I cycled past a group of middle school kids. They decided that they should all start shouting "FAT ALERT" while ringing the bells on their bikes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 557
You deserved it 7 102

Top comments

We have Middle Schools in the UK? Ok, well, I'll go with that. But what ages are kids at Middle School? Back on topic - too many kids in this country are cocky little sods, just ignore them. You are at least doing exercise, so you don't worry about what they think. You don't even know them.

At least you were cycling and trying to lose weight :( respect for that :)


xesyeso 0

Lose. Not loose. loose is when something isnt tight... like when your tooth is loose.

What do you think she was doing, riding a bike?

^^ Like I said to someone else, you're also ******* stupid. The OP is riding a bike. See a connection?

they have bells on their bikes what fags

Popsiclese 0

I wanna rock n roll all nite, and party every day!

Hey man, KISS, that's so cool man, come over and play guitar hero on my commodore 64?

You guys! Can I come? I have some dreams and a packet of leather straps. Lets get ROCKIN'!!!!!!!

FYLDeep 25

That would be irrational and foolish to declare. PARTY TIME!

Claybomb94 0

Damn, you can't say ydi for being fat, but you can say ydi for smoking. Being fat is even more dangerous than smoking, it's more expensive and you can loose weight, but trying to stop smoking is almost impossible.

it never says the OP is fat because they smoke. they probably eat at fast-food places too much. and some people cant help but be bigger, theyre born in a family of big people

PurplePigeon 0

I found you bringing up smoking to be extremely random. that is all.

well they said it. i just commented about it. it is random though, youre right

PurplePigeon 0

it was meant for person you commented to. you were just faster than me. :)

oh ha. well good thing were on the same side :)

EvilDave 13

Smoking is the smokers fault. One does not have to smoke to live. One never had to start smoking in the first place. One must eat to live. One can stop smoking. One can not just stop eating. Smoking and the damage it does is completely self-inflicted.

EvilDave 13

@72: In fact, **** YOU for saying it is impossible to stop smoking. You just stop. You don't buy any more, you don't bum anymore, you don't light up any more. You may want to do it, but you don't do it. YOU ******* STOP, YOU ASSHOLE. It is no more impossible to stop smoking than it is impossible to stop ******** yourself. You want impossible? People say get more exercise, so you try lugging 350lbs a mile down the road. Try going to the gym and being sneered at. Try eating 1/2 to 1/3 what you normally eat, or eating only meat. In fact, try that last one. You can eat 3 cups of loosely packed leafy green vegetables and meat and fat. That is the Adkin's diet and every other low carb diet, in a nutshell. While I am at it, there are people who are addicted to eating in the exact same way people are addicted to alcohol and tobacco. You want to know the difference? One can stop drinking alcohol and one can stop smoking. One can not stop eating because if you stop eating YOU ******* DIE. Do you get it now, asshole?

Uh oh, it looks like EvilDave's diet is causing mood swings! BTW, fatty, Adkins and other low-carb diets are a crock of shit. Your body NEEDS ALL THREE macronutrients (protein, carbs, and fat) in order to conduct all its processes at the cellular and chemical level. Your brain can only run on glucose, which can ONLY come from ingesting CARBOHYDRATES. That's why you're in such a horrible mood right now. That, and being stared at for your giant, swinging man-****. Here is what works, 100% of the time: consume fewer calories than you expend through physical activity. In fact, watching what you eat is 80-90% of the work. Nothing too processed, either; NO packaged snacks. Eat fresh lean meat, fresh whole grains, and fresh fruits and vegetables. No white bread/pasta. No processed sugar. No fatty meat. If this approach doesn't work, then either A) you cheated and ate the wrong kinds of food, or B) you cheated and ate too damned much food, or C) you're part of that 0.01% of the population with a legitimate glandular condition.

Thanks, Trolls. I woulda said the same thing! :D Glad to know at least someone's educated in nutrition.

Uh... EvilDave, quitting smoking is a lot harder than just stopping. Nicotine creates a strong physical and mental addiction. Imagine not being able to stay awake, stay focused, and stay alert, all the while trying to fight strong cravings (like a fatty's craving for a Twinkie) but much worse. It makes you irritable and can damage relationships. Also, the patch/gum does not always work for everyone. Not to mention, many smokers smoke to deal with stress, and now that self-righteous bastards like you can harass them for it without being called a douche, it causes more pressure and therefore more stress to quit. Much more difficult than losing weight.

FYLDeep 25

I'm sure that was brutal. I bet they looked like total hardasses ringing the bells on their little bikes. Get over it OP. If you're going to let that get to you, then you fail.

Hey man, middle school kids are scary! Those cracking voices, awkward growth spurts and peach fuzz-covered chins are nothing to turn up your nose at! >:[

Well, kids are so mean these days...but on the other hand they, most of the time) speak the truth...good job for at least trying to excersize, op! Fyl for having to hear such harsh words from children. And the thing is...we are all making assumptions that op is fat. Maybe he is, maybe he isn't. But if he least he's trying to do something about it. If he isn''d just a bunch of dumb kids that have nothing better to do with themselves. I've been called fat by kids before...yet, I'm a size 7, 5'10 and 140lbs. Ummm...that's not fat. But seriously, kids are just so cruel...don't sweat it, op...unless you're in the gym, that is! ;-)

shasui 3

that's not nice at all. D: shoulda kicked their asses >:} lol