Gang violence

By fattysonparade - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom

Today, I cycled past a group of middle school kids. They decided that they should all start shouting "FAT ALERT" while ringing the bells on their bikes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 557
You deserved it 7 102

Top comments

We have Middle Schools in the UK? Ok, well, I'll go with that. But what ages are kids at Middle School? Back on topic - too many kids in this country are cocky little sods, just ignore them. You are at least doing exercise, so you don't worry about what they think. You don't even know them.

At least you were cycling and trying to lose weight :( respect for that :)


girlalive 0

I notice you're British. British kids are particularly rude and obnoxious, in my experience. Most of them need to be slapped around a lot more than they are. They have no respect for anyone. Most of the places I've lived in America, kids have more respect for strangers.

hahashitfuck 0

its because theres no risk of getting shot or stabbed

This is true, girlalive. I remember getting to year eleven and noticing the first years and thinking 'god, were we ever that cocky and annoying'? It's worrying the way some kids seem to think it's acceptable to treat other people. The other half are perfectly nice, or at least judging on the work experience I've done in schools.

That's impossible. Middle school kids would not have bells on their bikes. Oh, and kudos to #154.

Oh, yeah. So they moderate my comment while there is a pedophile posting what he wants to do to a nine year old. Way to go FML. Way to go. (P.S. All mine said was 'That's impossible. Middle Schoolers don't have bells on their bikes.)

zach55 0

I'll tell you what, you shouldn't feel ashamed. they have bells on there bikes. and there in middle school.

zach55 0

btw #156 I wasn't copying you I didn't see your comment until I wrote mine. but yeah that's exactly what I mean.

zach55 0

#154 HIGH FIVE. British people are faggots.

ignore the little *******. they'll get what they deserve.

Unless you look like you came out of a concentration camp, some jackass kid is bound to call you fat just to get a rise out of you. If you don't have ribs showing, you're too fat. If you have ribs showing, you're too skinny. **** other people. Do what's right for you.

dickbombay 0

were u wearing a moo moo ):

RKftw 0

they re the ones with bells on their bike

middle schoolers aren't mature enough luckily some grow out of it by high school