Gang violence

By fattysonparade - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom

Today, I cycled past a group of middle school kids. They decided that they should all start shouting "FAT ALERT" while ringing the bells on their bikes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 557
You deserved it 7 102

Top comments

We have Middle Schools in the UK? Ok, well, I'll go with that. But what ages are kids at Middle School? Back on topic - too many kids in this country are cocky little sods, just ignore them. You are at least doing exercise, so you don't worry about what they think. You don't even know them.

At least you were cycling and trying to lose weight :( respect for that :)


CatEyes66 0

Alot of people get called fat even if they are not why? because it's one word that can hurt someone deeply in an easy way. All you have to say is " your fat " and it's like a kick to genitals.

That depends entirely on the person. It doesn't matter if someone calls you fat, stupid, ugly, or an asshole. If you know you're not, and you're secure enough in that knowledge to not rely on outside opinions or validation, then you can just treat that insult as any other statement you'd know to be false. They may as well say the moon is made of reindeer farts. The problems start when someone hits upon a fear. "Fat" will hurt, even when you know it's false, if you're *afraid* you're fat. In all cases, you're the only one who can change your flaws. When opinions are powerful enough to bother you, especially those of strangers, your outlook has to change in order to put yourself back in control.

TheDrifter 23

Totally agree 184. I know I'm fat ugly and an asshole but calling me stupid always hits a nerve ;)

92 - Youre right! Lol! I was at a Red sox vs Rays game in Tampa a few years ago and some girl on front of me just didn't like the fact that my friends and I were Boston fans & when the Rays were up and hit a home run she screamed "Hell yeah!" then turned around and looked at me and screamed "now what?! You fat bitch!!" Needless to say I got kicked out for grabbing her by the back of the head and slamming her face into the seat in front of her! Lol! But the point is, I'm not fat...yet for some reason it pissed me off so much. Oh well, sucks to be her I guess! No one should go around calling people fat and other horrid names (especially if they're not).

You may not be fat, but your impulse control needs work. Why give a stranger that kind of control over you?

yea 95, and the best way to deal with those sort of people is to smash their faces into things. Thats nowhere near as bad as calling names.

98 - I'm pretty sure if you were in my shoes you wouldve been hurt and did I! Also, she got kicked out, as well, for starting an arguement. Because there were witnesses. So don't tell me one is better than the other. I'm not happy about what I did and I certainly wasn't boasting about it. I was trying to make a point that when someone calls you a hurts! (especially when you're not what they called you!)

Again, I don't get it. If you know they're not right, why does their opinion matter? Obviously she touched some kind of nerve, but only you can say what.

cocblkdbyfarmvil 0

I am gonna have to call bullshit on this one. What kinda of middle school kids these days have bells on their bike, did this happen back in the 50's.

cocblkdbyfarmvil 0

well i apologize moderators. i am sure there are plenty of middle school kids out there with bells on their bikes and tassles too. hey maybe they have baseball cards in their spokes too.

wow this is y u dont have sex or rapw people infront of the eindow

wow this is y u shud go bak 2 skule N lern 2 rite. Oh, and you commented under the wrong FML, too. Good job!

cheergirly16 0
EvilDave 13

Here in Tampa FL, it is the law that all bicycles be equipped with a bell.