
By anonymous - 28/12/2011 08:14 - United States

Today, my 9 month-old son realized he is just as tired as I am. His solution is to cry loudly. My solution was to cry along with him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 450
You deserved it 5 174

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Like mother like son, eh? Are you sucking on soothers as well?

Uh, when you are raising a young baby who cries and needs constant attention (and probably experience some post natal depression) I think it's okay to have a little cry when you're over tired and stressed.


Cleo_Nemo_ 9

You are pathetic, get a life. ;D

Do you shit cry and eat all day like him too?

Um how is this an Fml? This is everyday life as a mom. Suck it up. I am up all hours of the night with my little one you don't see me bitching.

Probably teething. Tylenol works wonders. And as an added benefit they'll fall right asleep

Baytheshark 14

The exact reason I don't want kids...

winterforever97 30
bizarre_ftw 21

Feed him, put him down for a damn nap, play some music, and go to sleep It's not hard

remz89 3

I'm guessing u never had a baby before. It's not that easy hun, don't speak on a topic u never experienced before. Every child is different n if my daughter fell asleep as easy as you suggest then wow my life would be so easy. But guess what, it's not

Even from babysitting I know that it's definitely not that easy!!! I've dealt with more explosive diapers than I can count. But it's mentalities like hers that lead to the show 16 and pregnant. So enjoy!

chels1994 11

silly 17 year old, easier said than done (:

wriptidez 0

take a nap ... put him in his playpen ... let him fall asleep then u lay down on couch

I'm sure that's why birth control was invented