
By anonymous - 28/12/2011 08:14 - United States

Today, my 9 month-old son realized he is just as tired as I am. His solution is to cry loudly. My solution was to cry along with him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 450
You deserved it 5 174

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Like mother like son, eh? Are you sucking on soothers as well?

Uh, when you are raising a young baby who cries and needs constant attention (and probably experience some post natal depression) I think it's okay to have a little cry when you're over tired and stressed.


Maybe you should send him to the grandparents so you can get some sleep

I don't know why your comment would receive a thumbs down; it's a completely logical solution. My mother has offered numerous times to come over to watch my son so I can get some peaceful sleep. But my situation is a little different ... with a baby on oxygen who needs constant monitoring. I've been sleeping (not so peacefully) on the couch now for 5 months! But I'm not complaining...best 5 months of my life with him home with me!! :)

Jellieblitz 1

U guys make having kids not sound like fun :-/

See a counsellor or psychiatrist. Post natal depression sucks.

It gets better. Try letting someone else put him to sleep. My son always fell right to sleep when someone else had him. Try a special blanket or reading as you rock him. He may be colicky. Chop up part of an onion boil it in some water. Add a little bit of sugar. Strain the water into a bottle. Let it cool down to bottle temp and give it to him. Old home remedy. Worked like a charm for my son. He absolutely loves onions now.