
By anonymous - 28/12/2011 08:14 - United States

Today, my 9 month-old son realized he is just as tired as I am. His solution is to cry loudly. My solution was to cry along with him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 450
You deserved it 5 174

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Like mother like son, eh? Are you sucking on soothers as well?

Uh, when you are raising a young baby who cries and needs constant attention (and probably experience some post natal depression) I think it's okay to have a little cry when you're over tired and stressed.


I feel your frustration! My son Woke up approximately 10 times a night for 17 months and I was exhausted! On top of taking care of a 3 year old! I never thought I would get a full nights rest again! Hang in there OP. it will get better! :) remember to take time out for yourself too! A nice hot bath or a quick power nap works wonders :) pamper yourself :)

Stop being so hard on op. Parenthood at times does make you fraught!

chels1994 11

families that cry together stay together

I'm not even going to respond with how stupid, cheesy and gay this comment is. Get out and go get a face full of reality.

This too shall pass. Sometimes grandma and grandpa are good for some TLC.:)

Try running the vacuum...works like a charm for my 11-month old.

I signed up because I saw this. OP, I have a trick for you which will save your skin so to speak. Take some wine (ideally, don't worry it isn't for the baby) or a drink and swirl it around you mouth in the manner wine tasters do near your baby. This creates the same sound level baby would have a heard in the womb--it reminds them of simpler times and will cause them to drift off to sleep. I have tried it with 6 babies and it hasn't failed yet. Good luck!

KRS_13 0

They make stuffed animals that make the sound of the womb. It works on my friends brother when we had to babysit him! Don't give an 11 year old and 13 year old an infant..

I got my "womb sounds" teddy bear from Walmart for $18, they only sell it online but it is worth every single penny, its a similar idea to swirling around the wine, only you don't get to drink lol. Also you can leave it in the crib with the baby because it has these straps on the back to attach to the crib so they cant smother themselves with it.

justjen16520 4

Just wait till they start sleeping through the night, THEN you're lying awake wondering if they're ok, and why they're not crying ... lol. Good luck OP! :-)

I am sorry you are so strung out, Op. Maybe you can hire someone to watch your son for like an hour or two so you can rest and regroup?

Try running the vacuum...works like a charm for my 11-month old.

I didn't mean to post the same comment twice; I received an ERROR the first time. How embarrassing !!

Awwww, get some sleep you are probably exhausted.