
By Anonymous - 20/12/2009 03:08 - United States

Today, I was approached by a policeman who asked me if I was the owner of the green Camry. Turns out my parents decided to teach me a lesson for lying where I had been by reporting the car stolen. They also wouldn't answer my one phone call. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 008
You deserved it 9 090

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dude...what the hell....I understand parental punishment may be needed for lying, but giving you a criminal record? Them is some ****** up people right there, OP.

The police should go after your parents for wasting police time and resources. "Teaching kids a lesson" is no reason to do this.


If the lesson was, not to take the car anywhere else then where you said you where headed, then this is an example of over-exaggerating parents. Assuming she is a teenager, this is very normal. Not saying it should happen on regular basis, but sometimes a teenager need their privacy, and sometimes they'll have to lie to get that. To those of you that said she deserved it: Have you never gone somewhere or done something you knew your parents would tell you not to do? I have, and i bet most of you others has as well. But now i really don't care anymore, they got nothing to do with what i do in my spare time.

Can we stop using the word "decided", or the term "thought it would be funny" in FML's? Dunno why, but it's kind of pissing me off.

Comentator 0

I hope you are under age. Your parrents will be stuck with the bill, plus when they come clean they will get slammed with filing a false report. Tell your parents, "you know you are teaching me that lying to the cops is ok"

Anyone who thinks this is fake, it actually happened to one of my friends when I was in high school. It doesn't matter if you have the same last name or not, if you're under 18 then the car can't be in your name so it legally belongs to your parents.

starberries 0

It's fake because you aren't actually limited to one phone call in jail.

FoxForever 0

Ok here's how I interpret it: The OP lied to her parents about something. Something the parents didn't like. Then later when she went out (her parents knew where she was going) her parents decided that they didn't like her lying to them and they reported the car stolen so that the OP would get into trouble. So basically for lying (could have been anything), the OP got a criminal record. I interpret that lying had nothing to do with the car.

BosatKhanjar101 0

if ur in jail how are u posting this? I really hope I didn't just ask a dumb question :S

YoYoYo20_21_22 2

man, your parents play hard ball.

Wow, your parents are assholes. They get you a criminal record, and don't even bail you out because you got arrested for THEIR lies. I hope your parents get arrested for lying to the police, as they deserve to. You did nothing wrong. THEY did.