
By Starving Student - 17/05/2012 03:42 - United States - Tacoma

Today, I got a ticket for panhandling to get gas money so that I could both drive out to a job interview AND still have enough gas to pick up my dad. Apparently, these particular cops had nothing better to do than harass me for standing quietly next to a freeway entrance with a silly sign. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 224
You deserved it 29 065

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jerseyboy732 16

I'm with the cops, I hate panhandlers

avclovewsh 8

If you have the money to pay a cell phone or Internet bill to post this then you should have enough money to pay for your own gas .... We are all in the same situation and can not spare to give you our hard earned money .. Take a bus and figure it out with out begging or money ..


justinrich 0

Man you a ******* douche get a job and pay your bills like everybody else pussy

Helldemon 32

Clearly he is trying to get a job, I guess you never learned how to read.

reddudeover 2

Beyond that some people are physically or mentally DISABLED and aren't able to hold down a job. How can you lack such simple understading or sympathy?

I think maybe op lives somewhere there may not be city buses. I know pan handlers in cities are probably really annoying, but where I live I do not encounter very many. For that reason they do not bother me so much and if I am lucky enough to have some extra money I hand them something or by a hamburger or something and give it to eat. I know what it is like op to have no one to borrow from when you need it. Things will get better. But stand somewhere else next time freeway ramps are dangerous.

HahaYDI 0

A truly inspiring story about the triumph of the human spirit.

idk why people are being so critical of this post. Times are tough right now, desperate times call for desperate measures.

constipatedlady 0

If you're in North America, times are not even close to being that tough. Somehow, I suspect this guy is there too.

reddudeover 2

I don't hate panhandlers (politely asking for my money is better than a mugging any day), in one case the guy had REALLY funny signs and we were like here take our monies. Sometimes you're just in a tight spot, doesn't make you a bad or worthless person. You just have to be creative and able to read people's body language. It's stories and comments like these that actually make me lose faith in humanity not the stupid people doing stupid things, but that we're so quick to judge and throw people out. Either way the cops were doing their job so can't really blame them although a lot of cops would have just told you to leave.

pinkpixie06 11

I agree with you. If I were desperate, who's to say I wouldn't do the same thing as OP!

i understand you may need money. but how do you have time and access to go on and write an fml on the internet if you have to panhandle to get a few bucks for gas money? sorry just doesnt make sense to me

Get a job! If I was ever that poor I still would not do that! Have more class!

"so that I could drive to a job interview"

I always wonder where panhandlers get the sharpies to make their signs....

reddudeover 2

The rest of the comments had me seething, this one threw me for a loop. Got a good belly laugh out of that one. :D

vampire_queen 3

There's a store that sells cardboard and markers for a penny each