
By Starving Student - 17/05/2012 03:42 - United States - Tacoma

Today, I got a ticket for panhandling to get gas money so that I could both drive out to a job interview AND still have enough gas to pick up my dad. Apparently, these particular cops had nothing better to do than harass me for standing quietly next to a freeway entrance with a silly sign. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 224
You deserved it 29 065

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jerseyboy732 16

I'm with the cops, I hate panhandlers

avclovewsh 8

If you have the money to pay a cell phone or Internet bill to post this then you should have enough money to pay for your own gas .... We are all in the same situation and can not spare to give you our hard earned money .. Take a bus and figure it out with out begging or money ..


soican111 1

Plan ahead. If panhandling is illegal, it is illegal. Ask a friend for $10 instead of looking for a hand out. These are the same cops that you would chastise if some poor panhandler got hurt standing next to a freeway. "Wow looks at that guy, he could get hurt. Somebody should do something about that." The sliver lining is that you can now tell people that you tried to get a job but the police stopped you. Stop being a victim. Figure out how to tie your own shoes, and get to your job interview on time. If you can't get to the job interview I bet you couldn't hold the job for longer than a week. It's called responsibility. BTW, I was a starving student once, I know about 100 million people would would like to be in your shoes.

I find it hard to believe that you know 100 million people.

162 - That's not what they said/meant. There are 100 million people in the world* who would kill to be in OP's shoes, having an interview and all.

utopium_fml 1
SwaggCapone 11
catproblems 2

You're making it harder for people that are actually helpless and need money to be able to get the help they need. You're scum.

To all the people saying panhandling is completely illegal, you're wrong. Panhandling is only illegal if you're pushy about it. If you sit quietly with a sign, like you were, it is not illegal.

The cops weren't harassing you by giving you a ticket for doing something illegal; they were just doing their job. Next time you need money, find a better way to get it.

Kurochrome 17

OP: "I was trying to gas gas money for a job interview" Commenters: "OMG GET A JOB YOU STUPID BEGGAR YOU ARE SCUM HOW DARE YOU BE IN A ROUGH PLACE" I'm laughing at all of the asshole-ary going on at this comment thread. Like wow Op how dare you try to get a job and stabalize your life. What's your problem, man, why can't you be a hardworking citizen like the rest of us. God. You are scum because you don't make enough during college to handle yourself, and you have to resort to begging. You are trash because wow I am so much better then you, I'd never panhandle because I have a job hahahahaha. LOSER. ((Did you know that 1/4 of the American homeless population is made of war veterans? As in, people who fought for your country and lost everything? And of those, quite a few are wounded vets? Now, Op is not a Vet nor homeless, but hey; food for though.))

"Oh man I've been raking in the cash pan handling for weeks and now I got a ticket! what crap! OH! I know, I can share my frustration on FML... Hmm but how.. People will just turn on me and say things like "get a job"... hmm, ah I know, I'll just pretend I was on my way to a job interview!" Nothing in this story makes sense. You'd have to be pretty naive to believe it. For one, he could just catch a bus with all that time he spent pan handling. Secondly, are we supposed to believe his dad is also a student or hobo that doesn't have a few dollars for his son for picking him up? Third, you really underestimate how much money people make from panhandling - I personally knew a girl in high school who would get dressed up (or down) to go sit on a corner and beg, and she made an easy $30/hr - tax free. I've also seen people living in a condo building who I also see dressed up as a hobo begging for change on the street.

Op I feel for your situation but the cops have to do their job. The panhandling situation on my area has gotten so bad people are getting hurt in accidents. Sure, one person isn't a big deal. But our corners get crowded quickly. Hope this economy turns around soon so people won't need to do this. And I hope you have some luck with the interviews.

Thuban 0

No matter how much you need it, it's illegal, at least in my state.

Ah, the old "don't cops have anything better to do?" argument.