
By Starving Student - 17/05/2012 03:42 - United States - Tacoma

Today, I got a ticket for panhandling to get gas money so that I could both drive out to a job interview AND still have enough gas to pick up my dad. Apparently, these particular cops had nothing better to do than harass me for standing quietly next to a freeway entrance with a silly sign. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 224
You deserved it 29 065

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jerseyboy732 16

I'm with the cops, I hate panhandlers

avclovewsh 8

If you have the money to pay a cell phone or Internet bill to post this then you should have enough money to pay for your own gas .... We are all in the same situation and can not spare to give you our hard earned money .. Take a bus and figure it out with out begging or money ..


You're* I know you're about to cuss me out right now but if it weren't me, some one else would've said that same thing, followed by loads of insults. :/

Panhandling?! In the same state as me no less! Get money the old fashioned way! Sell yourself! Also to #173.... Was 'litterly' supposed to be cute in some way I am unaware of?

shinkjy 0

Im too young to know what panhandling is (im 16)

bethanael 13

You are not to young to know what panhandling is.

Were you in Houston at the Time? Because the police down by the feeder can be unreasonable when it comes near the end of the month and have to meet ticket qoutas

Pick up your dad, ask him to spot you gas money for the interview... >.>

You were panhandling at the ENTRANCE to a FREEWAY? Maybe there was really bad traffic and they were moving slow, but if not, generally at the entrance to a freeway drivers should be speeding up to match the speed of traffic, not slowing down, or stopping, to give money to someone. Besides not being able to find another way to get gas money, YDI for not being smart enough to pick a better spot to panhandle.

escobar07 10

Regardless, he broke a law. It's the risk he took when he decided to panhandle. The police were just doing their job.

This doesn't make sense. How can you have a computer or phone with FML but not have money for gas? FAKE!