
By Starving Student - 17/05/2012 03:42 - United States - Tacoma

Today, I got a ticket for panhandling to get gas money so that I could both drive out to a job interview AND still have enough gas to pick up my dad. Apparently, these particular cops had nothing better to do than harass me for standing quietly next to a freeway entrance with a silly sign. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 224
You deserved it 29 065

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jerseyboy732 16

I'm with the cops, I hate panhandlers

avclovewsh 8

If you have the money to pay a cell phone or Internet bill to post this then you should have enough money to pay for your own gas .... We are all in the same situation and can not spare to give you our hard earned money .. Take a bus and figure it out with out begging or money ..


If you cant afford gas then why can you afford an iphone to post this to FML?

cuddlebunny3548 11

Don't listen to them OP, good for you. You had to do what you had to do.

A silly one? How silly was it? Were there furry little squirrels playing hop scotch on it??

Yeah. That's illegal. You didn't know you could get in trouble for that?

If you have to pan-handle for money, then how the hell are you on the internet posting this? YDI

donleischner 0

Your perspective must be skewed. It is very obvious to me they had something important to do. Ticket you for panhandling. Get a job and stop sponging off of hard working people.

When you stand near a freeway ramp pan handling it is a hazard. YDI big time! Seriously.

BTW, I have been homeless and carless and got a job waitressing......which I WALKED the three miles to from the shelter my famy was staying at and walked home at night. Yeah, I could have taken city buses, but I walked so I could buy food and save each extra dime so I could rent a home. It took a few months but I did it, WITHOUT panhandling.

Actually it's litterly against the law to do that

theoutlaw121 8

Get a job. I'm not saying this to be an A-hole , but seriously , panhandling ? They shoulda arrested you.

"Get a job." Hmmm... the fact he's panhandling to GET TO AN INTERVIEW kind of tells me he's working on it. It's not like he's using it for booze.