Use the force

By Anonymous - 11/08/2011 05:53 - Mexico

Today, since I'm too ashamed to go buy a proper sex toy, I used an old Star Wars toy sword instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 131
You deserved it 56 885

Same thing different taste

Top comments

IndiRae 9

You deserve it for calling it a Star Wars sword.


perdix 29

I hope you washed it off real good before using it. As you are plunging it into your pussy, say, "Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope!". That'll give you some pleasure, but if you really want a great ******, you need to get someone to lay ya, Princess.

IndiRae 9

What you did there, I see it.

hellojuicyhello 5

Haha! Oh my god, can't get dick so u use a lightsabor!? What the ****? Lol

MissEmiily 0

wowwww. uhmmmm ewwwwwwwwwww....lions den isnt that bad so jus go. damn

Well I hope you're a woman...and in this country we call them 'lightsabers'...unless it was R2D2 you shoved...

the force is strong in you it is.... *best yoda voice*

HeartAndSoul2011 0

You're too embarassed to go buy one but you're not too embarrassed to tell everyone with this app?..makes no sense

It's anonymous on this app. If she had gone to a store, people might have SEEN her o.o However, if she's worried about people seeing her in the sex store, they would had to have been in the sex store too... As for the workers, I doubt they care. It is their job afterall.

Maybe so, but that doesn't stop you from feeling awkward (if you already do, I mean).

Uh yeah it does... Doing something that you feel embarrassed by anonymously is WAY less nerve wracking then doing it in public.

iloooovemylife 7

Lol well let the force be "in" you :p

What you did sure sounds interesting. Quite kinky. Sometimes you just have to switch it up.