By drurbanXVII - 25/05/2009 21:42 - United States

Today, while playing The Sims 2, I realized I had a virtual person's whole life planned out, and have nothing planned out for myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 248
You deserved it 49 326

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I could tell you to get off your fat ass and do something other then play sims, but then I'd be a hypocrite.

cadillac_blues 0

i find myself in that situation a few too many times....can't wait for the Sims 3!!!!!


Betcha if a computer told you what to do everyday you would have a lot more to say for yourself. Either way if you're feeling down on yourself... just go read FML, you'll feel much better about yourself... uhhh I guess that doesn't work when you have to read your own story. Whatever, enjoy your megalomania and boring life

that sucks, but start now. and June 2 = Sims 3 AND my birthday! ah, heaven. 8D

mehwhateverr 0

I feel ya. It's easier to plan with a Sim, though, because if you screw up... who cares? It's a virtual person! And if you screw up you can kill them as well, which is always funny.

haha i love the Sims.. major time-waster but it's addicting #56, i totally agree =]. Sims don't really have that many options, so it's easy to plan out their lives. besides, they're not real so it doesn't matter that much if they fail at life. but when they do fail, it's kinda entertaining

skittles324 0

i play the sims2 too......and i knoe EXACTLY what you mean.

ireadthistoomuch 0

Lmao, back when I played the Sims a couple years ago (before my old computer with it on crashed), I was like that with every character I had made. I am so excited to eventually get the Sims 3.

why do people have to comment "you should kill yourself blah blah blah." it's so rude, and while people overreact to most insults, this is one i actually think is very offensive.

Lmao, me too. I have 'practice' families too, the ones that I make do bad things and miss work and generally slob about. Then there are the GOOD sims who do everything perfectly and live forever. :D Tbh I don't play it very often but when I do it's like... All day long. To the OP: just be spontaneous, it's okay to be a geek, as long as you see the light of day once in a while.

RazorbladeSmiles 0

Not even my Sims character has a planned out life.