By drurbanXVII - 25/05/2009 21:42 - United States

Today, while playing The Sims 2, I realized I had a virtual person's whole life planned out, and have nothing planned out for myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 248
You deserved it 49 326

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I could tell you to get off your fat ass and do something other then play sims, but then I'd be a hypocrite.

cadillac_blues 0

i find myself in that situation a few too many times....can't wait for the Sims 3!!!!!


I love that game!! but then i hadda clear everything off my laptop cuz it was being screwy, and then i realized that i lost the fourth disc to it and so i cant upload the game or any of the expansion packs!!! lol a couple hundred dollars down the toilet, lol but i have a life now! haha at least until i get the sims 3! lol but i suggest having a do real people stuff day every once and a while, lol or you can model your life after the life you planned out for one of your sim families!

weenieowns 0

I got the Sims 3, it's pure awesome. Recommend it to anyone who loves this type of games. Taking care of triplets is a bitch

Funny. For some reason I was expecting that to end with MLIA, not FML.

well, if you ever get jealous.. death by flies.

You're clearly playing it wrong, what me and my friends used to do was remake each other, stuff each other in the same house and turn fast forward on. We would see who would score first, die first, etc. That's the only good way to play the sims.

minimelo649 0

HAHA! i love this! The Sims is awesome and not only is it easier to plan someone elses life! but its funner! I think you should stop giving a shit and just keep playing the sims 2! GO SIMS 3!!! WOOT!

Well, it's not too late! And you've already done it once for a Sim, so you have practice! =D

then stop playing it and get a life :D