By drurbanXVII - 25/05/2009 21:42 - United States

Today, while playing The Sims 2, I realized I had a virtual person's whole life planned out, and have nothing planned out for myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 248
You deserved it 49 326

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I could tell you to get off your fat ass and do something other then play sims, but then I'd be a hypocrite.

cadillac_blues 0

i find myself in that situation a few too many times....can't wait for the Sims 3!!!!!


rainbowchelle 0
aye_dayee 0

Hahh oh man, i find myself in that situation also. I guess we just have to believe in ourselves like we do in our Sims.

Awww, who need's a life? Sims is better than the real thing :D

newguy12 0

well, get off your lazy ass and start planing for college or something. suck it up and get a freakin life. how do these fmls get on the site?

Hahaha, dude, join the club. :P I have a few years before I have to determine anything major about my life, though. Here's hoping you're in a similar situation, otherwise that sucks. Don't worry though, you'll find your true calling eventually. :)

wooow, I'm obsessed with the sims. I'll have a panic attack when the sims 3 comes out, but try making a virtual version of yourself and let the options flow.

That's because it's easy to plan out the lives of the little people in the Sims. If they don't like their lives, it doesn't matter because you can just put them in the pool and remove the ladder >:) Don't worry about it too much.

alex_vik 0

People actually try at that game? The only thing I can remember doing in it is removing all smoke alarms from the house and having my guy burn to death in the bathroom.

ChuckDuck 0

Sadly, that's the reality when I play too... You're not alone!