By drurbanXVII - 25/05/2009 21:42 - United States

Today, while playing The Sims 2, I realized I had a virtual person's whole life planned out, and have nothing planned out for myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 248
You deserved it 49 326

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I could tell you to get off your fat ass and do something other then play sims, but then I'd be a hypocrite.

cadillac_blues 0

i find myself in that situation a few too many times....can't wait for the Sims 3!!!!!


BulldogQB4 0

YDI, I love the Sims, I played it when I was younger. It's a great game. But when your Sim's life is better than your own you gotta get to work on your life.

lliissss 0

..i find myself there sometimes too...oops.

Keiko86 0

That is why I stopped playing the sims university... I didn't want my sims to graduate before I did.

YFDI (You F***ing Dumb Idiot) -_- LOL No I'm kidding, I just find it funny you can play with "FML" or "FYL" or "YLIF" or "YDI" or "YFDI" eic. :P I use to be like this when I played a lot of RPGs. But if you apply this sort of planning to life, it can benefit you :)

Don't worry about tomorrow, tomorrow is overrated! Today is where it counts.

jengen 0

Since you realized this now, start planning your own life.

AntiChrist7 0

stop whining. Planning your life is stupid because you never know what's ahead.

Heh, I started working out all the time and studying hard because of the Sims. Always time to change. If you don't do anything about it, then YDI. Damn, I just realized that I turned into that bearded guy I made in Sims 1 who lives in a small studio, chugging down coffee to boost energy and working hard at a computer based job. At least he had a happy ending.

Is it bad that this makes me want to get the Sims game? XD Seriously, it sounds awesome. I'm totally going to get the new one when it comes out. o/