By snownerd - 03/11/2011 16:13 - United States

Today, while I was shopping, I saw my old friend from high school. After a bit of talking, I ended up giving her my phone number. I wrote it on an old receipt. Little did I remember, the receipt was from when I bought lube and condoms. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 761
You deserved it 39 698

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iFizzgig 11


Maybe she will hopefully just copy the number and forget to examine the actual receipt purchases..

Capt_Oblivious 10

Yeah, you should be embarrassed because no one else on Earth buys those things.

There's a reason you bought those things. Now go and get your moneys worth! :D

Could have been a lot worse, you might have handed her a receipt for hand cream and the My Little Pony **** DVD.

13FTW 9

Speaking from experience, sir?

stacianichole 2

Moderated this, it was lube and a *****. Secret's out.

In the days of smartphones, I didn't realize that people still wrote numbers down. I usually just type it in my phone right away.

ShroomsOnAcid 16

Ture, but writing it on a piece of paper is more romantic... provided it's not a receipt, and especially not one from condoms and lube.

leadman1989 15

Well at least you got your rope, duct-tape, and chloroform from another store.

mariahrocks09 1

Haha that's so ****** funny but I don't think he's Casey anthoney

McAninch35 9

Are you sure? I was almost positive I was reading an FML by Casey Anthony. 98.4%, in fact.

At least she knows you're into safe sex now :)