By snownerd - 03/11/2011 16:13 - United States

Today, while I was shopping, I saw my old friend from high school. After a bit of talking, I ended up giving her my phone number. I wrote it on an old receipt. Little did I remember, the receipt was from when I bought lube and condoms. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 761
You deserved it 39 702

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iFizzgig 11


soccerprincess7 0

Lmao that sucks! Maybe she will take it as a good thing and not in a creepy way!

metalchick226 10

Ydi why would you keep the receipt for that lol!!! I bet they got a good laugh though sorry op xD

MoonPhase123 4

Why would you write your number on a receipt? Though either way you should have checked it first

perdix 29

You'd better hope that the condoms don't break. You won't be able to get a refund without a receipt.

Do you know anyone who has taken a faulty condom back to the store for a refund? I don't.

DawnMarie11 0

I'm pretty sure there was sarcasm there.

lebronsucks 3

thats why you havent seen her since high school. you were just too "busy" ;)

Lube. She can now be sure that you are considerate!!

JinxosGirl87 0

Feel bad for you if you have no interest in her whatsoever and she starts trying to take your relationship further. Tell her you hope you'll run into her again in a few more years.

Nono this is good, you'll get some she'll take the hint then you can make it into a success kid meme on memebase